Tax Reporting - What you need to know

As a cat sitter on Cat in a Flat you are considered to be running your own sitter services. This means that you are responsible for reporting your earnings from Cat in a Flat in your tax filing each year. Depending on your individual circumstance and the tax threshold in your country you may or may not owe tax on your earnings.

In order to make your tax filing easier, we have prepared everything you need from us.

What is DAC7 and what is it for?

DAC7 is a European Union regulation designed to ensure transparency in income reporting for individual earnings through online marketplaces like ours.

This means that Cat in a Flat is now required by the EU to collect additional tax information from you. We’re also required to report this tax information along with your earnings every year to your country of residence.

How does this apply to you?

Starting from 2024, if you have completed a booking through Cat in a Flat and are a resident in a country of the European Union we will require your tax information.

Not to worry though, at Cat in a Flat, we’re all about making your life as a cat sitter as simple and stress-free as possible. We have therefore created a form to help you comply with your tax obligations for declaration to your local tax authority. 

Information needed from you:

  • Full legal name
  • Home address
  • Personal tax ID
  • Date of birth

Information we will provide:

  • Your earnings from completed booking per quarter
  • Any fees withheld per booking per quarter

This can be found in the Tax Information page once logged into your account.

Cat in a Flat is required to share all of the information above with your tax authority.

What is my tax number? Where do I find it

CountryTax NumberCriteriaExample
United KingdomNational insurance number2 letters +6 digits +1 letterAB123456C
GermanySteuer-Identifikations Nr11-digit12 345 678 901
FranceNuméro fiscal de référence13-digit12 34 567 890 123
AustriaSozialversicherungsnummer (SVNR)10-digitXDDMMYYYYX
BelgiumNuméro de Registre National11-digitYYMMDD-XXX-CC
IrelandPersonal Public Service Number (PPS Number)7-digit + 1 or 2 letters1234567AW
NetherlandsBurgerservicenummer (BSN)9-digit123456789

Additional FAQ’s

I am a tax resident in a different European country to my current residency

We are planning to offer this service in the very near future. If you are affected by these circumstances, please contact us with the “Subject line: Different tax residency in EU country” and we will notify you. In the meantime you can still offer your cat sitting service. 

I am tax resident in another country outside Europe

Currently we do not allow sitters with tax residencies outside any European country to offer cat sitting.

Why can’t I continue cat sitting without completing the Tax information form?

By law, it is now a legal requirement for all online marketplaces to report users tax information and earnings to the users resident tax authority.

Any online platform that ignores the new regulations by not collecting the tax information from their  users can face legal charges.

If we do not receive the required information from you by 31.03.25, your profile will be temporarily closed. As soon as we have everything we need, we will of course open your profile again so that you can continue to enjoy those kitty cuddles.

You can continue using Cat in a  Flat as a pet owner without having to submit any additional tax information.

Do I have to do anything with the form?

Depending on your tax status and the tax threshold in your country, you may or may not need to submit your earnings to your local tax authority.

Cat in a Flat cannot give personal tax advice, if you are unsure please speak to a tax advisor.

Are earnings submitted every quarter?

No, tax will be reported annually

Please Note: Cat in a Flat cannot offer personal tax advice. If you are unsure and have further questions please contact a tax advisor.


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